Recipe for strawberry gummy bears - a simple and healthy treat that can be easily made at home. Unlike store-bought candy or gummy bears, this one contains a minimum of sugar (you can even add less than the recipe calls for) and no artificial additives. At the same time, it is very tasty and flavorful. I assure you, both adults and children will love it.
I make these gummies with agar-agar (vegetable substitute for gelatin), so they are suitable for vegetarians. They can be made in any shape, even a regular ice mold will do, but it is better to buy an unusual mold with some animals or creatures in it beforehand. That way your kids (or you) will like them even more! I recommend that you get a mold with a medium or small size of compartments.
Take a small bowl, add the agar agar and pour cold water over it. Mix well (so there are no lumps) and leave to soak for 10-15 minutes.
Meanwhile, prepare the strawberries. Wash them thoroughly and remove the tails.
Take 1 lemon, press it on the table and squeeze out the juice. You will need about 50 ml of lemon juice to make the gummies.
Place the prepared strawberries in a blender. Add the lemon juice and sugar. Blend until smooth.
You can strain the resulting mixture through a sieve if you don't want the pips to be in the gummies (I didn't).
Pour the strawberry mixture into a saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring frequently. When it boils - add the swollen agar agar and bring to a boil again. Then simmer for 3 minutes, stirring constantly with a whisk. After 3 minutes, turn off the heat and allow the foam to settle (or remove it with a spoon).
Using a syringe, quickly transfer the cooked strawberry mixture into silicone molds. Leave at room temperature for 1.5 hours until the jelly is completely set.
If you delay, the mixture will begin to thicken and you will not be able to distribute it in the mold. If this happens, heat again, but not too hot, to a maximum of 85ºC (185ºF).
After 1.5 hours, when the jellies are completely set, carefully remove them from the molds.
These strawberry gummies smell wonderful. I hope you like them. Enjoy!
Everything works great, but they are not “gummy.” No. They dissolve into mush the moment you put them in your mouth.
Also note, that they should be refrigerated because they get moldy after a few days if not.
Tasty, but not gummy.